Frequently asked

YES! An insurance claim can become one of the most daunting and overwhelming processes
for a property owner. Making sure your insurance company treats you fairly and pays
your claim is why many policyholders elect to hire a public insurance adjuster that
represents their interests.

A public adjuster is a licensed professional who helps policyholders with the insurance claim process for damages to their properties. They are trained to inspect damage and provide an accurate estimate of the damages.

Our team of experts are adept at negotiation with insurance companies. We can assist attorneys in preparing the claim, providing valuable insights and data that can strengthen legal arguments. Additionally, we support contractors in justifying the scope and costs of repairs or replacements.

Overall, the support provided by our team can enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of other professionals involved in the insurance claims process, ensuring a smoother and more successful resolution.

Yes, Public Insurance Adjusters are required to hold and maintain a state license. Public
Adjusters are also required to hold a surety bond along with maintaining continuing
education requirements.

There are no upfront fees. A public adjuster charges a small percentage of what your
insurance claim provides after a settlement has been reached. The public adjuster ONLY
gets paid when YOU do.

Yes, It is not too late to hire a public adjuster. Having an expert on your side will help
maximize your insurance claim so you receive what you deserve for your damages.

Independent studies have concluded that when a policyholder hires a public adjuster
their insurance claim payout has increased by 700%.

A public adjuster’s goal is simple: get the claim to payout as efficiently and fast as
possible. PAs only get paid when you get paid. An attorney, on the other hand, may find
it more profitable to litigate your case further. This can end up in a long and prolonged
claim settlement that can wear the policyholder down. Also, attorneys still need
someone to document and estimate a claim which means added costs to the client.
Baylis Claims Consultants prepares your claim, estimates your damages, and represents you for only a small fee once the claim gets paid.

Do you have any questions?